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App management

Effective mobile application management (MAM) streamlines operations and enhances security. SimpleMDM offers powerful features to simplify app management for Apple fleets, safeguarding your environment and saving time.

asian man with macbook and looking at iphone
asian man with macbook and looking at iphone
what is app managementwhat is app management

SimpleMDM for app management

SimpleMDM combines robust mobile device management (MDM) and MAM capabilities, working in conjunction with Apple Business Manager (ABM) or Apple School Manager (ASM). Oversee apps on managed devices or BYOD personal devices, manage app licenses, and deploy apps at scale using the App Store, VPP, custom apps, or a self-serve store.

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Vital app management features in SimpleMDM

The right mobile application management solution makes an admin’s job infinitely easier. SimpleMDM empowers organizations to optimize their app ecosystem, enhance corporate data protection, and deliver a seamless user experience across Apple devices.

Remote app deployment

Distribute mobile apps and desktop apps without ever laying a hand on a user’s device. It’s more convenient and less germy!

laptop and ipad demonstrating remote app deploymentlaptop and ipad demonstrating remote app deployment

Automatic deployment

Automatically install Managed Apps during the setup of new devices purchased from Apple and Apple Authorized Resellers. It’s like performing magic (top hat optional).

Self-serve storefront

Provide an app store with preselected mobile applications employees can pick and choose themselves. Give them the illusion of complete control without letting them run rampant.

Custom business apps

Cater to your unique business needs by adding and distributing your own in-house custom apps with the tailored functionality your users need to be productive. Bonus: You’ll also rack up infinite cool points in the process.

App configuration

Cater app settings and configurations to meet your organization's requirements across all your Apple devices.

laptop with mockup of app configurationlaptop with mockup of app configuration

Account settings

In apps that support it, preconfigure app account settings and preferences. No need to leave the comfort of your ergonomic office chair!

Variable support

Use different configurations for different devices. Specify a variable, and a device-specific value replaces it when the app deploys. Look at you, being all fancy!

Fully hosted Munki integration

To enhance device management functionality beyond the native Apple MDM protocol, SimpleMDM has a fully hosted Munki integration.

munki with managed software center uimunki with managed software center ui

Flexible installation

Install apps that aren’t in the Apple App Store, including .DMGs and unsigned .PKGs that otherwise cannot be installed via MDM.

Shared App catalog

Leverage the Shared App catalog for easier app distribution — with automated updates and version pinning.

Self-service app distribution

Empower users to download approved apps themselves via the Managed Software Center.

Simplify your app management

App management FAQs

What is app management?

App management, a subset of mobile device management (MDM) and enterprise mobility management (EMM), is the process of overseeing and controlling the lifecycle of applications across devices. With SimpleMDM's application management software, you gain centralized control for convenient management, improved security, and reduced expenses. Recurring tasks associated with mobile app management include the following:  

  • Configuration 

  • App deployment 

  • App updates and patching 

  • Version control  

  • Mobile security management 

What are the benefits of app management?

Effective mobile application management streamlines operations and enhances app data security. These two main effects can reap a whole host of other potential benefits: 

  • Reduced costs 

  • Enhanced productivity and performance 

  • Increased scalability and flexibility 

  • Upgraded monitoring 

  • Improved resource allocation 

  • Heightened efficiency 

How do you incorporate app management?

Implementing mobile application management requires an understanding of your environment and careful planning. These steps may help: 

  • Set goals 

  • Plan a strategy 

  • Choose the right app management tools 

  • Define common processes 

  • Allocate resources and assign duties 

  • Monitor application performance 

Managing apps is an ongoing process, so you’ll need to revisit your approach and tools as technology evolves and your business needs change. Taking a proactive approach is critical to maximizing the benefits of your app management program while reducing potential drawbacks.  

What are app management best practices?

Following enterprise app management best practices helps ensure smooth operation, security, scalability, and maintenance of the applications on your Apple fleet. Here are some key best practices for app management: 

  • Design your program for scalability 

  • Document app protection policies and procedures 

  • Maintain visibility of your application portfolio 

  • Update apps regularly 

  • Monitor specific app usage and performance 

While these best practices are applicable to most environments, precise needs vary between organizations. Continue to evaluate and adjust your app management program based on what works for your business and users.  

How do you choose the right app management software?

To choose the right app management software, you should assess your organization’s priorities, needs, and existing workflows and compare them to the following solution features:  

When you find an app management tool that seems like a good fit, schedule a demo to see the product in action and ask relevant questions.